Cancer Diaries – cutting off hair

My first chemo session was not spectacular except in the sense that I had practically no side effects except a bit of back pain and exhaustion. I was ecstatic and did a wild dance, despite the exhaustion, as I had expected far worse. I was doing fine for a while, only my white blood cell count went drown drastically, so chemo session 2 was postponed for a week. Session 2 went initially fine, so pain or nausea, but a few days later the side effects kicked in full force.

It started with my hair falling out. I had ten year long groomed dreads down to my butt, and the only way to save at least some of the glory was by cutting it off and nailing it onto my studio wall.

Josiane Keller “brush full of hair” (August 2021)

Josiane Keller “cut off hair” (August 2021)

Josiane Keller “cut off hair in the studio” (August 2021)

For time being I am having short hair, but two days ago more side effects kicked in and I felt all around miserable, ear pain, stomach pain, backpain, headache, and exhaustion. I changed pain medication and am now a bit better, but the remaining hair is coming out in bushels, I expect to be completely bald soon. At the same time I am surprised how much hair is still left to fall out, hair is everywhere.

I bought some chemo caps from a lady in Germany who hand-sews them and had them sent here, they are keeping my hair together during the day. If you’re interested, this is the shop website:

They are pretty and comfortable.

Meanwhile some of my energy is coming back and I am working on my sculpture, “The Experienced Susanna” and my painting.

If you are interested in more details about the cancer experience you can read up on my Instagram account @josianekellerclay.