Electric Bird (2019) – linear film format

linear film format; experimental animation after to H.C. Andersen’s “The Nightingale” follows a young woman and suggests various questions about the purpose and effectiveness of increasingly digitized animation, increasing alienation through intriguing technical communication options and the opportunity to choose.
“Who’s to say what’s important? And when?”

Sound: Josiane Keller/ Iztanbul Modern, Ruby Boomhower, The Velvet Underground

voice of baby: Ruby Boomhower

puppets: Edie Weisslechner, Alexander

poetry: Edie W. “Electric Bird”- collection (2009)

winner of BEST ANIMATED FILM at Obskuur Ghent Film Festival 2021 ;

Bideodromo Festival 2021, BilbaoArte Art Production Center (28 September and 5, y 7 October, the final October 22.)

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Studio KOMOREBI “Electric Bird” (2019)