Constance puppet repair and hanging out in the hotel

The Constance puppet was dancing so much for production of the stop-motion film that she lost both legs one after the other and needed repair.

Now she’s good as gold again:

Josiane Keller - Constance repair 1

Josiane Keller “Constance repair 1″ (2019)

 Josiane Keller - Constance repair 2

Josiane Keller “Constance repair 2” (2018)

Now after all work is done and all repairs as well, Constance can hang out with the others in the hotel. Seems like she took a liking to Goebbels the dog:

 Josiane Keller - Constance and Goebbels

Josiane Keller “Constance and Goebbels” (2019)

Josiane Keller - Constance and Goebbels 2

Josiane Keller “Constance and Goebbels 2” (2019)

Josiane Keller - Constance and Goebbels 3

Josiane Keller “Constance and Goebbels 3” (2019)

Josiane Keller - Constance, Molly and Goebbels

Josiane Keller “Constance, Molly and Goebbels” (2019)