ホテル Hotel – Making of: Franz Josef “Billy” the bulimic

Here you see some pics of the making of Franz Josef, street name “Billy”; Billy is originally from Austria, but living here since a while, or elsewhere, not in Austria anyways, and he is one of the rare or more rare cases of male anorexic-bulimics; apparently he has had a troubled childhood and center figure of that being a rather overbearing father Manfred, a very successful business man and also involved in far-right wing politics; physically Manfred is about three times Billy’s size, does not allow people disagreeing with him, which he calls “being very non-confrontational” and who is extremely homophobic. Currently he is unaware of Billy’s sexual orientation. 

Josiane Keller - Franz Josef "Billy"

Josiane Keller “Franz Josef ‘Billy'” (2016)

Billy is longing to explore his homosexual side, or any side he may have, which so far was not something he would have dared in his family home; luckily here in the hotel daddy Manfred is far away and the other tenants could not care less about who wants to explore what sort of tendencies, as they are way too busy exploring themselves and somehow earning their rent at the same time at least some of the time as long as Vincent plays along.

Billy is in his 20’s and looks quite emaciated, because since he is 16 he is an anorexic-bulimic, as he states himself, he wasted years trying to be, then trying to become and finally trying to pose as that kind of son his dad would be able to acknowledge, which happens to be an entertainment with a potential success rate of 0%, because his dad makes everyone around him suffer from his NPD.

At some point, sadly only years later, Billy realized this and left the home that was not very sweet at all, trying to come to terms with things and looking for better options.

Billy is sweet and well-liked with the others around, who are mostly anyways too self-obsessed to wonder over what Billy or anyone really is up to. When the occasional over-eating binge gets the better of Billy he empties out someone’s fridge, generally replacing the items by the next day, after he is done throwing up for hours. He refers to his throw-up sessions “singing the Austrian national Anthem”.