ホテル Hotel – Making Chiaki

Chiaki. I am not sure yet what she is up to, because every time I pass her she seems just to be going the opposite way, greeting me, but most of the time it seems she is more avoiding me asking her any curious question I might have. She seems always busy and in a hurry, and her coming and going times are not the most conservative ones either, but that would apply to most people in the hotel.

Josiane Keller - Chiaki

Josiane Keller “Chiaki” (2016)

On the above shot she had just been out, coming in, but getting ready to go out once more, and that was around 2 am in the night….

Josiane Keller - making Chiaki

Josiane Keller “making Chiaki” (2016)

But finally, a couple of days later, I got her to pose for me, holding still for once and actually making eye contact that time. In the pink light of the afternoon she almost looked soft, peaceful and open…

Josiane Keller - Chiaki pink

Josiane Keller “Chiaki pink” (2016)

2 thoughts on “ホテル Hotel – Making Chiaki

  1. J.K. Post author

    Mikey, EVERYBODY is in love with that one, and yet… a girl like that is bad news, unless you enjoy a constant adrenaline rush….