ホテル Hotel – costume test: Starfish in a kimono is looking like a girl

Once again Molly is out at rehearsals at “Cafe Leben” til late night and Starfish is in, waiting for her, watching TV, probably falling asleep over it. Apparently the poster he is to model for is a bigger deal, which means more money and that also means harder to say “no” to it, if one needs the money, like Starfish currently does.

What’s the problem? Well… The poster is an advertisement poster for a hotel in Tokyo, so far so good, currently it is unclear how many people will model, only Starfish, or also Molly or three or four people in total, all that would be fine. The ‘problem’ came up later after lunch, when Molly dropped in between where-ever she went to organize that shoot and later rushing off to rehearsals at “Cafe Leben”. Molly brought the costume by that Starfish is supposed to wear on it, and it turns out to be a lavish kimono, and yes, Starfish is looking like a girl wearing it, which he is not comfortable with, because he does not feel like a girl and certainly does not want to look like one on any poster hanging in various travel agencies or wherever it is going to be in the end.

But since ironically the money for the sex change of which he is smack in the middle right now is sparse, until he comes up with more finances to fund it he will have to put up with jobs incorporating stuff he would rather not do and that’s that. Explaining these details to me, sitting in that kimono on the bed, TV running unattended in the room, he almost fell apart, but pulled himself together, I guess with Molly arranging a job like that he would have hoped she knows better and not even put him in the situation of having to make such a choice. I can perfectly well imagine what Molly would say to that, pragmatic as she is she’d explain the work time invested versus the income earned and then deduct that from the remaining amount needed to turn Starfish into a full man as far as medicine of today allows it and that would be the end of the discussion for Molly. As far as we got to know Molly she is not the kind of person interested in making her life “unnecessary complicated” as she would call it, quite different from Starfish.

Josiane Keller - Starfish in a kimono on the bed

Josiane Keller “Starfish in a kimono on the bed” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish in a kimono on the bed 2

Josiane Keller “Starfish in a kimono on the bed 2” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish in a kimono on the bed 3

Josiane Keller “Starfish in a kimono on the bed 3” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish's feet on the bed

Josiane Keller “Starfish’s feet on the bed” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish in a kimono on the bed 4

Josiane Keller “Starfish in a kimono on the bed 4” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish in a kimono on the bed 5

Josiane Keller “Starfish in a kimono on the bed 5” (2017)

Josiane Keller - Starfish's hand in kimono sleeve

Josiane Keller “Starfish’s hand in kimono sleeve” (2017)