ホテル Hotel – Trouble at Cafe Leben – Vladimir should get kicked out

So although the show preparations at Cafe Leben have been behind closed doors or one should say “behind closed curtains” and TOP SECRET it came through that there are some serious issues, and neither Jan nor Molly, each for their own reasons, are amused.

Apparently Vladimir has some sort of involvement and wanted too much power over how things are running at Cafe Leben, so far Jan as with all his performers at the Cafe has been given them the some and then some extra space for whatever Vladimir as the director demanded for his play, but it turns out Vladimir is going way over the top and Jan is now at a point where he wants to cancel the show and kick Vladimir out, so they are arguing over the contract and it is not pleasant at all, the mood at the Cafe is so stiff you can cut it with a knife.

Molly, who has been aiming for a bee-line career in the show business is anxious about her part, because it would be a great part and Molly is the type, she does not mind a tyrannic director bossing her around, because to her it’s anyways just for time being until she moves higher up.

Starfish wants his Molly to succeed as a dancer, but wouldn’t mind going back to the days before the audition, when she had a lot of time to burn in the city and parks; personally I think Starfish is hoping for pigs to fly, because if you ask me, if the play falls through and Vladimir successfully gets kicked out Molly will immediately look for a new part and there will be still not much Starfish time, unless Starfish could come up with something to make himself VERY Valuable to Molly in this particular quest of reaching stardom and no less.

So everyone is very much on edge and we will see how things go.