ホテル Hotel – more globetropper pics with Sebastiao Com’Sal

As the title states. We left the ridge and moved through a mountainous area with creeks, waterfalls and lakes. A lot of climbing, particularly I felt so, carrying the camera equipment…

Sebastiao Com'Sal on a cliff overhang 2 - Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com'Sal

“Sebastiao Com’Sal on a cliff overhang 2” – Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com’Sal (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal by the mountain lake 2 - Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com'Sal

“Sebastiao Com’Sal by the mountain lake 2” – Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com’Sal (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal by the mountain lake 4 - Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com'Sal

“Sebastiao Com’Sal by the mountain lake 4” – Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com’Sal (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal by the waterfall - Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com'Sal

“Sebastiao Com’Sal by the waterfall” – Credit Photo Courtesy of Sebastiao Com’Sal (2016)

We saw several of these, it wasn’t clear if they had died of natural causes or by the hands of poachers, because they had already decayed to some extent, otherwise perhaps partially eaten by scavengers:

Sebastiao Com'Sal - dead arthropod

Sebastiao Com’Sal “dead arthropod” (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal - dead arthropod 2

Sebastiao Com’Sal “dead arthropod 2” (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal - dead arthropod 3

Sebastiao Com’Sal “dead arthropod 3” (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal - dead arthropod 4

Sebastiao Com’Sal “dead arthropod 4” (2016)

Taking these pictures involved taking the risk to be attacked by this wolf protecting her cubs in the cave, but that’s part of the job:

Sebastiao Com'Sal - lycosida

Sebastiao Com’Sal “lycosida” (2016)

Sebastiao Com'Sal - lycosida 2

Sebastiao Com’Sal “lycosida 2” (2016)